Python Package


pip install git+

for development install:

git clone
cd wespeaker
pip install -e .

Command Line Usage

$ wespeaker --task embedding --audio_file audio.wav --output_file embedding.txt
$ wespeaker --task embedding_kaldi --wav_scp wav.scp --output_file /path/to/embedding
$ wespeaker --task similarity --audio_file audio.wav --audio_file2 audio2.wav
$ wespeaker --task diarization --audio_file audio.wav
$ wespeaker --task diarization --audio_file audio.wav --device cuda:0 # use CUDA on Windows/Linux
$ wespeaker --task diarization --audio_file audio.wav --device mps    # use Metal Performance Shaders on MacOS

You can specify the following parameters. (use -h for details)

  • -t or --task: five tasks are supported now

    • embedding: extract embedding for an audio and save it into an output file

    • embedding_kaldi: extract embeddings from kaldi-style wav.scp and save it to ark/scp files.

    • similarity: compute similarity of two audios (in the range of [0, 1])

    • diarization: apply speaker diarization for an input audio

    • diarization_list: apply speaker diarization for a kaldi-style wav.scp

  • -l or --language: use Chinese/English speaker models

  • -p or --pretrain: the path of pretrained model, and config.yaml should be contained

  • --device: set pytorch device, cpu, cuda, cuda:0 or mps

  • --campplus: use campplus_cn_common_200k of damo

  • --eres2net: use res2net_cn_common_200k of damo

  • --vblinkp: use the sam_resnet34 model pretrained on VoxBlink2

  • --vblinkf: use the sam_resnet34 model pretrained on VoxBlink2 and finetuned on VoxCeleb2

  • --audio_file: input audio file path

  • --audio_file2: input audio file2 path, specifically for the similarity task

  • --wav_scp: input wav.scp file in kaldi format (each line: key wav_path)

  • --resample_rate: resample rate (default: 16000)

  • --vad: apply vad or not for the input audios (default: true)

  • --output_file: output file to save speaker embedding, if you use kaldi wav_scp, output will be output_file.ark and output_file.scp

Pretrained model support

We provide different pretrained models, which can be found at pretrained models.

Warning If you want to use the models provided in the above link, be sure to rename the model and config file to and config.yaml.

By default, specifying the language option will download the pretrained models as

  • english: ResNet221_LM pretrained on VoxCeleb

  • chinese: ResNet34_LM pretrained on CnCeleb

If you want to use other pretrained models, please use the -p or --pretrain to specify the directory containing and config.yaml, which can either be the ones we provided and trained by yourself.

Python Programming Usage

import wespeaker

model = wespeaker.load_model('chinese')
# set the device on which tensors are or will be allocated.

# embedding/embedding_kaldi/similarity/diarization
embedding = model.extract_embedding('audio.wav')
utt_names, embeddings = model.extract_embedding_list('wav.scp')
similarity = model.compute_similarity('audio1.wav', 'audio2.wav')
diar_result = model.diarize('audio.wav', 'give_this_utt_a_name')

# register and recognize
model.register('spk1', 'spk1_audio1.wav')
model.register('spk2', 'spk2_audio1.wav')
model.register('spk3', 'spk3_audio1.wav')
result = model.recognize('spk1_audio2.wav')