SV Tutorial on VoxCeleb v3 (Self-Supervised)
If you meet any problems when going through this tutorial, please feel free to ask in github issues. Thanks for any kind of feedback.
First Experiment
We provide three self-supervised recipes on voxceleb data. They are currently the three most commonly used frameworks
for self-supervised speaker verification. If you want to learn more, you can refer to the
in the
corresponding directories.
Because the steps of these three algorithms are basically the same, the following tutorial will take DINO as an example. The recipe is simple and we suggest you run each stage one by one manually and check the result to understand the whole processs.
cd examples/voxceleb/v3/dino
bash --stage 1 --stop_stage 1
bash --stage 2 --stop_stage 2
bash --stage 3 --stop_stage 3
bash --stage 4 --stop_stage 4
bash --stage 5 --stop_stage 5
bash --stage 6 --stop_stage 6
Stage 1: Download Data
if [ ${stage} -le 1 ] && [ ${stop_stage} -ge 1 ]; then
echo "Prepare datasets ..."
./local/ --stage 2 --stop_stage 4 --data ${data}
This step is exactly the same as the recipe for supervised training on voxceleb examples/voxceleb/v2
. If you have
done it before, you can skip this step.
This stage prepares the voxceleb1, voxceleb2, MUSAN and RIRS_NOISES dataset. MUSAN is a noise dataset and RIRS_NOISES is a reverberation dataset, which are used for data augmentation. It should be noted that for self-supervised speaker verification, data augmentation is crucial for the training process. We strongly recommend incorporating MUSAN and RIRS_NOISES data augmentation here.
It should be noted that the ./local/
script starts from the stage 2. It is because the data downloading
process in stage 1 will take a long time. Thus we recommand you to download all archives above in your own way first and
put it under data/download_data
and then run the above script.
When finishing this stage, you will get the following meta files:
wav.scp files for all the dataset:
utt2spk and spk2utt files for voxceleb1 and voxceleb2_dev
wav.scp each line records two blank-separated columns : wav_id
and wav_path
id10001/1zcIwhmdeo4/00001.wav /exported/data/voxceleb1_wav_v2/id10001/1zcIwhmdeo4/00001.wav
id10001/1zcIwhmdeo4/00002.wav /exported/data/voxceleb1_wav_v2/id10001/1zcIwhmdeo4/00002.wav
utt2spk each line records two blank-separated columns : wav_id
and spk_id
id10001/1zcIwhmdeo4/00001.wav id10001
id10001/1zcIwhmdeo4/00002.wav id10001
spk2utt each line records many blank-separated columns : spk_id
and many wav_id
s belong to this spk_id
id10001 id10001/1zcIwhmdeo4/00001.wav id10001/1zcIwhmdeo4/00002.wav id10001/1zcIwhmdeo4/00003.wav ...
id10002 id10002/0_laIeN-Q44/00001.wav id10002/6WO410QOeuo/00001.wav ...
trials each line records three blank-separated columns : enroll_wav_id
, test_wav_id
and label
id10001/Y8hIVOBuels/00001.wav id10001/1zcIwhmdeo4/00001.wav target
id10001/Y8hIVOBuels/00001.wav id10943/vNCVj7yLWPU/00005.wav nontarget
id10001/Y8hIVOBuels/00001.wav id10001/7w0IBEWc9Qw/00004.wav target
id10001/Y8hIVOBuels/00001.wav id10999/G5R2-Hl7YX8/00008.wav nontarget
In this step, we generated utt2spk and spk2utt, but we will not use any speaker labels during the training process.
Stage 2: Reformat the Data
if [ ${stage} -le 2 ] && [ ${stop_stage} -ge 2 ]; then
echo "Covert train and test data to ${data_type}..."
for dset in vox2_dev vox1; do
if [ $data_type == "shard" ]; then
python tools/ --num_utts_per_shard 1000 \
--num_threads 16 \
--prefix shards \
--shuffle \
${data}/$dset/wav.scp ${data}/$dset/utt2spk \
${data}/$dset/shards ${data}/$dset/shard.list
python tools/ ${data}/$dset/wav.scp \
${data}/$dset/utt2spk ${data}/$dset/raw.list
# Convert all musan data to LMDB
python tools/ ${data}/musan/wav.scp ${data}/musan/lmdb
# Convert all rirs data to LMDB
python tools/ ${data}/rirs/wav.scp ${data}/rirs/lmdb
This step is exactly the same as the recipe for supervised training on voxceleb examples/voxceleb/v2
. If you have
done it before, you can skip this step.
The voxceleb dataset contains millions of wav files. Frequently opening the large scale small files will cause the IO
bottleneck. By default, the wav files from voxceleb dataset will be restored to some large binary shard files and the
shard files’ paths ared store in $data/$dset/shard.list
file. In this script, the wav file number in each shard file
is set to 1000
Besides, the MUSAN and RIR_NOISES dataset are stored in LMDB format for fastly random-access in the training process.
Stage 3: Neural Network training
if [ ${stage} -le 3 ] && [ ${stop_stage} -ge 3 ]; then
echo "Start training ..."
num_gpus=$(echo $gpus | awk -F ',' '{print NF}')
torchrun --standalone --nnodes=1 --nproc_per_node=$num_gpus \
wespeaker/ssl/bin/ --config $config \
--exp_dir ${exp_dir} \
--gpus $gpus \
--num_avg ${num_avg} \
--data_type "${data_type}" \
--train_data ${data}/vox2_dev/${data_type}.list \
--wav_scp ${data}/vox2_dev/wav.scp \
--reverb_data ${data}/rirs/lmdb \
--noise_data ${data}/musan/lmdb \
${checkpoint:+--checkpoint $checkpoint}
The NN model is trained in this step.
Multi-GPU mode
Here, the torchrun
command is used to start num_gpus
processes for pytorch DDP training. Set the gpus ids
using gpus
local variable. For example, gpus="[0,1]"
, two gpus will be used and the used gpu idx is 0 and 1.
Model Initialization
By default, the model is randomly initialized. You can also use some pre-trained model’s weight to initialize the model
by specify the model_init
param in the config file.
Resume training
If your experiment is terminated after running several epochs for some reasons (e.g. the GPU is accidentally used by
other people and is out-of-memory ), you could continue the training from a checkpoint model. Just find out the finished
epoch in exp/your_exp/
, set checkpoint=exp/your_exp/$
and run the --stage 3
. Then the training will
continue from the $
The config of neural network structure, optimization parameter, loss parameters, and dataset can be set in a YAML format file.
Besides, under conf/
, we have provide the configuration for different models, like ecapa conf/ecapa.yaml
resnet conf/resnet34.yaml
Self-supervised Training Related
It’s should be noted that for MoCo and SimCLR, the python scripts should be wespeaker/ssl/bin/
The biggest difference compared to supervised training recipe examples/voxceleb/v2
is the way data is organized.
Because self supervised training cannot use real labels, it can only construct sample pairs for contrastive learning
through assumptions. (a) The segments cropped from the same utterance belong to the same speaker (b) The segments
cropped from different utterances belong to different speakers.
For self-suerpervised training recipes, dataloader is defined in wespeaker/ssl/dataset/
. Next, I will
briefly introduce the process of dataset.
Firstly, we define different data reading methods based on different data storage formats. And perform global and local shuffling.
dataset = DataList(lists, shuffle=shuffle)
if data_type == 'shard':
dataset = Processor(dataset, processor.url_opener)
dataset = Processor(dataset, processor.tar_file_and_group)
elif data_type == 'raw':
dataset = Processor(dataset, processor.parse_raw)
dataset = Processor(dataset, processor.parse_feat)
# Local shuffle
if shuffle:
dataset = Processor(dataset, processor.shuffle,
Then, we defined different sample pair composition methods for different training methods. For SimCLR and MoCo, we take 2 segments from each sentence randomly. For DINO, we will crop 2 short and 4 long segments to form a positive pair.
# random chunk
frame_shift = configs['fbank_args'].get('frame_shift', 10)
frame_length = configs['fbank_args'].get('frame_length', 25)
chunk_info_args = configs['chunk_info_args']
for key in chunk_info_args:
if 'chunk_len' in key:
chunk_info_args[key] = (
(chunk_info_args[key] - 1) * frame_shift +
frame_length) * resample_rate // 1000
chunk_info_args['data_type'] = data_type
dataset = Processor(dataset, ssl_processor.random_chunk_for_dino,
Finally, it is a very important data augmentation step. We will randomly apply different data augmentation strategies to each segment here.
# add reverb & noise
aug_prob = configs.get('aug_prob', 0.6)
if (reverb_lmdb_file and noise_lmdb_file) and (aug_prob > 0.0):
reverb_data = LmdbData(reverb_lmdb_file)
noise_data = LmdbData(noise_lmdb_file)
dataset = Processor(dataset, ssl_processor.add_reverb_noise,
reverb_data, noise_data, resample_rate,
Wespeaker notably facilitates effortless configuration for organizing diverse processors into a pipeline, ensuring both
efficiency and ease of extension. And the SSL related processors are defined in wespeaker/ssl/dataset/
In addition, in order to be more compatible with the existing framework of WeSpeaker, we have added wrappers to the
training models of SimCLR, MoCo, and DINO, which are defined in wespeaker/ssl/models
. It includes **additional modules
** required for SSL training, the definition of loss functions and so on.
Stage 4: Speaker Embedding Extraction
if [ ${stage} -le 4 ] && [ ${stop_stage} -ge 4 ]; then
echo "Do model average ..."
python wespeaker/ssl/bin/ \
--dst_model $avg_model \
--src_path $exp_dir/models \
--num ${num_avg}
echo "Extract embeddings ..."
local/ \
--exp_dir $exp_dir --model_path $avg_model \
--nj 4 --gpus $gpus --data_type $data_type --data ${data}
The embeddings for the train and evaluation set are extracted in this stage.
Average Model
Average the model’s weights from last num_avg
checkpoints. This is a kind of model ensamble strategy to improve the
system performance.
It’s should be noted that for MoCo and SimCLR, the python scripts should
be wespeaker/ssl/bin/
. Because self-supervised training frameworks generally require the
introduction of additional modules (such as student model, projection head et al.) to assist in training, it is
necessary to remove these additional modules in this step to facilitate subsequent feature extraction.
Extract Embedding
The extracted embeddings are stored in exp/your_exp/embeddings
in kaldi scp,ark format. If there is something wrong
happened in this stage, you can check the log files under exp/your_exp/embeddings/log
Stage 5: Scoring the Evaluation Set
if [ ${stage} -le 5 ] && [ ${stop_stage} -ge 5 ]; then
echo "Score ..."
local/ \
--stage 1 --stop-stage 2 \
--data ${data} \
--exp_dir $exp_dir \
--trials "$trials"
All the trails listed in local variable trials
is scored in this stage. Cosine similarity is used to calculate the
score for each trial pair. At the end of this stage, the Equal Error rate (EER), minDCF evaluation results are stored in
the exp/your_exp/scores/vox1_cos_result
file. Besides, the detailed score for each trial with trial_name trial_xx
can be found in exp/your_exp/scores/trial_xx.score
Unlike supervised training recipe, we will not perform asnorm here because theoretically we cannot use any voxceleb labels for score normalization.
Stage 6(Optional): Export the trained model
if [ ${stage} -le 6 ] && [ ${stop_stage} -ge 6 ]; then
echo "Export the best model ..."
python wespeaker/bin/ \
--config $exp_dir/config.yaml \
--checkpoint $exp_dir/models/ \
--output_file $exp_dir/models/
will export the trained model using Libtorch. The exported model files can be easily used for
C++ inference in our runtime.